Squanto, Owen, Sherbert, Harley, Romeo, Juliet
Meet the cats who call GLRS home!
Squanto and Owen are siblings and were born here. When GLRS purchased the property the previous owner, knowing they would be unhappy in a more urban environment, requested GLRS add them to our list of permanent residents so they could remain happy and comfortable in the place they’ve always known as “home”. We were very happy to oblige!

Squanto and Owen
Owen wishes she was a bunny. You can often find her lounging in the various barns and yards. She is also frequently the GLRS “greeter.” It’s not uncommon to pull into the sanctuary, get out of your car, and be greeted by her friendly meow! For non-cat people that translates into, “Hi! So glad to see you! Since you’re here, would you mind terribly scratching behind my ears?”
Her brother, Squanto, is probably the laziest farm cat in history. When he’s not sleeping in the straw loft, porch, or some other cozy little nook, he’s begging for affection and, of course, food.
Update 2015: Sadly, GLRS had to say goodbye to Squanto in 2015 when he left us for the Rainbow Bridge.
Sherbert wandered onto the sanctuary property and set up shop… with the pigs! Once it was determined she wasn’t a neighbor’s lost kitty and she was indeed a stray, off to the vet she went. She received a clean bill of health, was spayed, and then came back to the sanctuary. She now spends her days hanging out with “her pigs.”

Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet are 16 year old siblings whose caretaker sadly passed away. Having no where else to go, and likely facing euthanasia at most rescues due to their age, GLRS is happy to make room for them in the farm house on the property. We are working to find an adopter for these super friendly cats, but if they end up spending their golden years in the farm house, curled up next to the heat vents, we are more than happy to have them.
Update 2018: Romeo and Juliet made the trip to the Rainbow Bridge in 2018. They brought GLRS a lot of joy, and we are happy to have had them as a part of the family for the few years they were with us.
Harley found his way to GLRS when his caretakers were at their wits end. Harley had a problem with howling. And not your regular, “Hey, I’m having a moment” cat howling. It was so bad the neighbors could hear him even though he was inside with windows closed. Through a connection one of our volunteers was made aware of the situation, and so Harley found a home at GLRS. Since he’s been with us not a peep has been heard from him… maybe the peace of being out in the country suites him!
GLRS is happy these friendly felines call the sanctuary home. It’s thanks to our wonderful supporters that we are able to provide for these cats. If you would like to help us care for these felines please consider making a donation. Thank you!!